Computer Science Access Report Data

The K–12 Computer Science Access Report is a collaborative partnership (with the help of many state education agencies and education organizations, including the CSTA, University of Texas at Austin, the College Board, TEALS, PLTW, and BootUp PD) to identify on a school-by-school basis where foundational computer science is taught and to identify disparities in students’ access to and participation in computer science. The annual State of Computer Science Education (published each fall) includes a description and summary of this data.

The interactive visualization below provides data nationally and per state for the most recent school year of data reported in the K–12 Computer Science Access Report. Some tabs allow filtering by state, county, district, and legislative districts. The following data is also available:

  • Appendices and all the summary data for the State of Computer Science Education can be downloaded here.
  • AP computer science exam-taking data over time, by gender and race/ethnicity can be viewed at
  • The interactive data and raw data per school can be obtained from the Tableau view below.

An overview of each tab is as follows:

  • Access Report: provides summary statistics, map view, and key graphs on 9–12 computer science access, and allows filtering by state and more.
  • Year over Year: shows the percentage of 9–12 access over time by state or the U.S.
  • Offerings by District: provides a list of all school districts (filterable by state and more) and shows for each district the percentage of high schools offering foundational computer science, the total number of high schools and high school students within the district, and the percentage of high schools reporting data.
  • School-by-School Offerings: provides a list of all high schools (filterable by state and more) and whether or not they offer foundational computer science.
  • Participation: shows the percentage of 9–12 students enrolled in foundational computer science course by gender, race/ethnicity, English language learners, students who qualify for free or reduced-price meals, and special education students who qualify for services under IDEA or section 504.
  • Courses that Count: provides a list of courses that were included in the definition of foundational computer science for each state.

Learn more about our data sources. Underlying data was contributed by various organizations, including the Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA), University of Texas at Austin, the College Board, Technology Education and Literacy in Schools (TEALS), Project Lead the Way, BootUp PD, and many state education agencies.

Suggested citation: (2022). Computer science access report data. Retrieved from